Before / After gallery
Dear patients!
We would like to present our Before / After gallery in order that you may appreciate the high standards of our work and form an impression for yourself.
The new German Medical Products Advertising Act (HWG) has been in force since 01/04/2006.
To wit, "... the depiction of images of the effect of a medical product, a procedure, a treatment, an object or any pictorial comparison of physical condition or appearance before and subsequent to medical treatment ..." is forbidden by (§11, Para. 5b).
Consequently Before / After images of patients, as well as diagrams on the internet are forbidden by German legislation.
However, we are convinced that detailed and comprehensive information is crucial and helpful to your decision making process.
Please either personally contact us directly or by E-Mail if interested, in order to receive further information concerning individual treatments or operations.

PD M. Voigt